92 Day Juice Feast with Raw-Wisdom.com

Day 60

Hello World!

I feel crappy today. I have a headache, my breast hurts and I feel overall crummy. Basically I am detoxing. it is really wonderful how the body heals- first you feel crummy then you cleanse it out of your system, then you feel great… then you feel really hunger, drink tons of juice and feel strong and then you detox, feel crummy and dump. It’s the same cycle over and over. I can hardly imagine being at a place like David Rainosheck founder of juicefeasting- when he says he’s done this 3 times and barely ever needs to cleanse… cool.

I am healing from a major disease though, cancer. I have a lump in my breast which today has felt painful. Ususally I don’t even feel it, but today it has caught my attention.

My partner Nathan who is a naturopath, tells me pain is good. It’s our consciousness waking up. Cancer is an unconscious disease. It sneaks up on you. Well… it may not even be a disease, but a state of the body when it becomes too toxic, too acidic and starts to do what it can to stay alive. Supposedly the tumor is just the way the body isolates toxins that it cannot dump immediately. We live in such a toxic world these days with all the chemicals in our food our air and our environment. So we need to get all the chemicals out and let the body do it’s cleansing thing.

Thus the Juice Feast! Viola!

I was speaking to my friend on facebook who told me about helping his sister heal from a mass in her breast. He listed all the things that she did. I was doing most of them except not drinking enough wheatgrass, mms and cleansing with hydrogen peroxide. His sister had injections of hydrogen peroxide. I have heard this technique for healing breast cancer, even bought some food grade hydrogen peroxide and some needles, but never did it. Apparently there is a medical grade h2O2 to inject… so I decided to just put a cup in my bathwater and rub it in my breast— it’s definitely making a difference today. To learn more about this read the article here To learn more about MMS go here. The reasoning behind either of these cures is to oxygenate the system. Exercise will help or deep breathing like the cleansing breath in yoga. All of these thing oxygenate the cells. Cancer cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. ( See Otto Warburg’s theory)

Until next time… wishing you miracles you shining stars,

Day 55 & 56

Hi World,

I have been making and drinking REJUVELAC.  This is a fermented drink that Ann Wigmore recommended as being very good for people healing from cancer and other diseases. it’s very high in Vitamin B.  Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it:

“Rejuvelac is a general term for a fermented liquid used to improve digestion of food. Rejuvelac is prepared using whole wheat, rye, quinoa, oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, rice and other types of grain. Best results have been found using wheat, rye, and quinoa. Rejuvelac can be consumed as a digestive aid and used as a ‘starter’ for other fermented foods such as raw nut and seed sauces, cheeses, and Essene Breads. Rejuvelac contains eight of the B vitamins, vitamins E and K, and a variety of proteins, dextrines, carbohydrates, phosphates, saccharides and amylases. It is rich in enzymes that assist both digestion and the growth of friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus bifidus. Lactobacillus produces a lactic acid that helps your colon maintain its natural vitamin-producing facility.[1][2]

Rejuvelac is a raw food made by sprouting a grain and then soaking the sprouted grain in water for about two days at room temperature and then drinking the liquid. A second batch can be made from the same sprouts, this time requiring only about one day. A third batch is possible but the flavor may be disagreeable.[3]

I made it from wheat using soft white wheatberries.  I used hard red winter wheatberries to make wheatgrass. Why is wheat grass so good for you?  It was also recommended by Ann Wigmore founder of the very first Hippocrates Health center in Boston.  She was Brian Clement’s mentor who is now owner of the Hippocrates Health Center in West Palm Beach Forida, a good place to go if you want to heal from a serious disease.  They don’t teach you how to make rejuvelac there though as they found it got contaminated too easily. 

So why wheatgrass?  Well Ann Wigmore claimed it had healing powers and was the most beneficial of all the green vegetables.  The structure of the molecule is the closest to human blood.  The major difference is that in human blood you have Iron (Fe) as the central metal and in wheatgrass you have Magnesium (Mg). This is mentioned as a way to support the reason why wheatgrass seems to be so beneficial. 

Comparison of molecular structures of human blood and wheatgrass

Comparison of molecular structures of human blood and wheatgrass

Here’s what wikipedia says about the history of wheatgrass:

The consumption of wheatgrass in the Western world began in the 1930s as a result of experiments by Charles F. Schnabel and his attempts to popularize the plant.[1]

Schnabel, an agricultural chemist, conducted his first experiments with young grasses in 1930, when he used fresh cut grass in an attempt to nurse dying hens back to health. The hens not only recovered, but they produced eggs at a higher rate than healthy hens. Encouraged by his results, he began drying and powdering grass for his family and neighbors to supplement their diets. The following year, Schnabel reproduced his experiment and achieved the same results. Hens consuming rations supplemented with grass doubled their egg production. Schnabel started promoting his discovery to feed mills, chemists and the food industry. Two large corporations, Quaker Oats and American Dairies Inc., invested millions of dollars in further research, development and production of products for animals and humans. By 1940, cans of Schnabel’s powdered grass were on sale in major drug stores throughout the United States and Canada.[2]

Extracting wheatgrass juice with a manual juicing machine.

 A great book about wheatgrass is Ann Wigmore’s book THE WHEATGRASS BOOK. Another one of my favorite books is How I Conquered Cancer Naturally by Eydie Mae– a delightful story of how one woman healed breast cancer using Ann Wigmore’s program.

So read a book and check out my videos of how I make sprouts and try it for yourself.  You just might love it!

